Factors Effecting the Performance of Women Entrepreneurship inPakistan


  • Ms. Nabila Bibi Mphil Scholar
  • Dr. Aamir Ullah Assistant Professor, Department Of Management Sciences Qurtuba University
  • Waas Khan Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Sarhad University, Peshawar


This study seeks to examine the various factors effecting women entrepreneursinPakistan and to analyze how these entrepreneurial factors impact the businessperformance of female entrepreneurs. The study was conducted froma positivistphilosophical perspective. In terms of methodology, the study followed a quantitativeand deductive approach. It employed a descriptive survey strategy using a monomethodand was conducted within a cross-sectional time frame. Due to an unknown populationsize, the study utilized G*Power for sample calculation, determining a sample sizeof 120. Data was gathered from women entrepreneurs through questionnaires andthenanalyzed using SPSS software. The analysis included descriptive statistics, frequencydistribution, demographic analysis, reliability testing, and multiple linear regressionmodels. The study’s findings suggest a significant positive relationship betweenwomenentrepreneurial factors—such as social, individual, and political factors—andentrepreneurial performance, while a negative relationship was found betweeneconomic factors and entrepreneurial performance. The study recommends that thegovernment focus on creating policies that support women entrepreneurs, suchasallocating sufficient funding, establishing dedicated desks for women entrepreneursatboth state-owned and private banks to facilitate access to loans, expanding trainingandcapacity-building opportunities for women entering business, and ensuring a transparentcommunication channel where women entrepreneurs’ voices are heard. It alsoemphasizes the need for government offices dedicated to supporting womenbusinessowners and facilitating their participation in the workforce, especially through affordablechildcare and workplace equality. Moreover, this study adds to the current bodyofliterature by filling a research gap and emphasizing the significance of examiningpolitical factors, individual factors, economic factors, and socio-culture factors, that effect thesuccess of female’s entrepreneurs in Pakistan.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship, women entrepreneurship, Political factors, socio-culturefactors, economic factors, individual factors and Dir




How to Cite

Ms. Nabila Bibi, Dr. Aamir Ullah, & Waas Khan. (2024). Factors Effecting the Performance of Women Entrepreneurship inPakistan. Journal of Management &Amp; Social Science, 1(4), 259–273. Retrieved from http://rjmss.com/index.php/7/article/view/63