Exploring Inhibition: Key Factors Restricting Tourists from Sharing their Travel Experiences
This research examines the influence of inhibitor factors (security and privacy reasons, environmental reasons, personal reasons, relationship reasons) on tourist travel experience expressing within the limits of Abbottabad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan. We distributed 100 questionnaires among tourists and 89 survey responses were given back and used for further analysis. We use simple linear regression to get the research outcomes. We proposed that security, privacy, environmental, personal, and Travel experience sharing was directly and negatively impacted by relational issues. Our finding identifies that security, privacy, and Travelers' likelihood to discuss their experiences on social media was impacted by personal concerns, whereas environmental relationships do have not any concerns. This study assists travel-related businesses in lowering or getting rid of obstacles to greater content sharing. The social media initiatives of tourism businesses can benefit from the guidance provided by the findings of this study.
Keywords: Inhibitors, social media (SM), travel-experience sharing, tourist. Travel restrictions