Influence Of Human Resource Management Practices On Employee Performance; By Mediating Effect Of Employee Commitment Of Educational Institutions
The main aim of this paper is to examine the influence of Human Resource Management Practices on Employee Performance with the mediating role of employee commitment in public and private educational sector in Sindh. Further, it focuses on selected human resource management practices (training & development, reward & compensation, performance appraisal and job promotion) and their relationship with employee performance, direct and indirect by mediating effect of employee commitment, whether they impact positively or negatively on employee performance. Detailed literature review shows that Human Resource Management Practices the Employee Performance and the commitment of employees as well within organization. Human Resource Management Practices are compulsory part of the organization on which organization’s success or failure depends. Those organizations, which have installed and implemented proper human resource management practices and created effectiveness in the policies and practices within organization, would have considered high fertility gained. This study examines the direct impact of human resource management practices and indirect effect through mediating role of employee commitment on employee performance in the context of educational sector of Sindh, Pakistan. Through survey questionnaire, the data were gathered from 280 teaching staff who works at educational institutions in Sindh, Pakistan. SPSS version 25 and Smart PLS4 SEM were used for analysis and findings. At the end, the managerial implications, limitations, and directions for future studies are incorporated in detail.
Keywords: Human Resource Management Practices, Employee Performance, Employee Commitment.